A Mac-only program to show points on a map, format the location into decimal degrees, degrees-minutes-seconds, and UTM, or grab a location from anywhere on Earth (except the poles)

Did someone ever send you a location in, say, degrees minutes and seconds but you need it in UTM or in decimal degrees for some calculation? Just past that location into the DMS text box, hit return and you will see the other formats appear, as well as a pin on a road, satellite, or hybrid base map at the actual location.

Location Formatter automatically shows you the location at the cursor, can calculate the distance between any two points or a whole string of points, can accept batch input (either on the clipboard or in a text file) and can save the results as a tab-separated text file.

Location Formatter

Location Formatted is Mac-only because it uses Apple MapKit

 Version History

v. 1.0.1 — 2022.10.21 The initial public release

  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the user pasted text into a location field

  • More robust parsing engine allows changing the order of latitude and longitude before saving.

v. 1.0.0 — 2022.04.01 The initial public release

  • Convert a location to different formats by pasting or typing text into one of the text boxes. The other formats will automatically be displayed.

  • Get a location by clicking in the map or by typing an address. A pin will be displayed on the map and all three location formats will be displayed in the appropriate boxes

  • Format the location text by specifying whether or not to show degree (± minutes. ± seconds) symbols, display a letter for the hemisphere or use the standard convention of negative for west longitude and/or south latitude, etc.

  • Import a list of locations either in a text file or on the clipboard. Location Formatter will display pins for all of them in the map view and parse all three location formats for all of the entries.

  • Export the locations as a tab-separated, column and row oriented text file for convenient import into spreadsheets or other programs.

  • Get the great circle distance between any two points in a list of locations, or between any two clicked points on the map. Distances can be displayed in either metric or Imperial units.

  • Get the distance along a path defined by the selected, ordered individual points in the location list tab panel.